Leigh Academy Halley
LAT South East London and North West Kent
We are a values-driven academy with the belief in human potential at the heart of all we do. We are uncompromising in our ambition for students. We are committed to do everything we can to help our students become successful, responsible young people who make a positive contribution to society.
Our academy is a vibrant and exciting place to be. We have the highest expectations of all students in terms of academic achievement, personal development, attitude, attendance and appearance.
Our curriculum offer is diverse, innovative and inclusive with a rich variety of subjects. Lessons are stimulating and challenging, meeting the needs of all our students. It not only instills value in the core subjects but also the EBacc and foundation subjects in all key stages. We offer the highest quality teaching and learning experiences and forensic analysis of data ensures that each child’s progress is tracked and monitored at every stage. Students are stretched and challenged to reach or exceed their targets, whilst those who need additional support receive care and guidance from our specialist support staff.
At Leigh Academy Halley students join one of the small vertical communities, each with a team of staff, dedicated to helping them reach their full potential. We are a community where our young people learn how to become confident, articulate, responsible, learning focused and successful and our student leadership programmes encourages students to practise these skills through leading activities both within and beyond the academy.